Beer Bottle Collection
I Love Beer
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  Total Beer Bottles: 280  
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About The Beer Bottle Collection (BBC)

Besides having a healthy appreciation for beer, I also seem to have the impetus to be a collector (not as acutely as some in my family, thankfully) and thus I find myself in possession of a beer bottle collection.

When I was a wee lad I collected milk cartons although I have absolutely no idea why. I suppose I really liked milk. Eventually my room stunk from the bacteria of a multitude of improperly washed milk cartons and the collection had to be destroyed. What a shame. But then at 19 the collection bug hit me again and this time the object of my desire was beer bottles. I collected avidly throughout university and in my travels during that stage and displayed the collection for all visitors to see. But moving around quite frequently made the display of the collection rather tedious and it has now spent many years in boxes. However, I have continued to collect sporadically -- so many beers, so little time.

Not having the space or desire to display the collection on the dozens of feet of shelving it would require in my home I have decided to digitize the collection. Now the beauty of the myriad of bottles with their elegant shapes (besides maybe the stubby) and colourfully designed labels are on display for me and the world to browse without my wife having to see them or me having to dust them or add more shelving as the collection sporadically grows.

If you are interested in sending me a bottle to add to the collection I always love the opportunity to sample a new brew. If you are interested in purchasing one or many of the bottles in this collection that is also an option.

Enjoy the collection! (I did.)

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Beer Bottle Collection